
Deciding Between the Arrows Bigfoot and HobbyZone Carbon Cub S2

The HobbyZone Carbon Cub RTF is one of our best-selling RC planes. And now we are also selling the Arrows Bigfoot RTF in about the same size. The information below is intended to help you make an informed decision between the two.

  Arrows Bigfoot HobbyZone Carbon Cub S2
Wingspan 1300mm 1300mm
Weight 1310g 1080g
Length 1060mm 865mm
Wheel Diameter 4.625 in 4.25 in
Motor 3536-850KV 480-960KV
Battery Size 2200 3S to 3200 3S 2200 3S
Servos 6-9c 4-9c
Radio 6 channel 4+ flaps
Nav Lights Yes No
Landing Lights Yes No
Flaps Yes Optional $20
Gyro Control Vector Spektrum
Flight Time 7-12 minutes 5-7 minues
Price $299.99 $349.99
GPS No Optional $49.99
LAS No Optional $33.99
ESC 30A 30A
Prop Size 11 x 7 9 x 6